Monday, May 31, 2010

Gilded Handstand Poses! I Looove Them!

While I was redoing my beach I found a folder from the lovely Kras and Gilded Poses called Handstand... it got my attention and I figured ohh...

summer, holiday, beach fun?

Enjoy the photos and HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!

all poses are from Gilded Poses.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Two New AOs from Creative Insanity

Creative Insanity has my favorite AOs in all of SL and these two new ones are def in my top 5..

You can get them HERE!

## CI ## Forest Nymph
*comes with rezzable mushroom, water lilly, and lady bug*

## CI ## Maid AO
*comes with a variety of feather dusters and cleaning rag*

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Batty by Favole

I love finding new shops, this one is part of the every growing Starlust Group

can be found on Harold

this Batty set is a freebie
along with some wristcuffs, tails, and a belt

hair: Lamb Found
dress: Willow

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tiny Bird and LoveSoul

Love Soul May Group Gift

Tiny Bird - Your Protector (1)

Tiny Bird - Your Protector (2)

Tiny Bird - Post Cards From Italy

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Creative Insanity: Rocket Rider

Creative Insanity makes me favorite AOs in all of SL...
and this one tops the bunch

##CI## Rocket Rider

get it here...

Friday, May 14, 2010

If Walls Could Talk + $50Ls Friday Love

If Walls Could Talk - Owl Freebie
get it here...

Sorry For Partying Tee - Pididdle $50 Ls Fridays
Antler in Black and White Decal - If Walls Could Talk

Le Lengua Tonuge by -RC- Cluster $50 Ls Fridays
Antler Decal - If Walls Could Talk

Pop Star Singing Microphone by -RC- Cluster $50 Ls Fridays

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

ON NOM! Sanu's Burger Dress!

This is probably ages old since I've been gone for... well ages....
the semester was one from hell but I am back I promise...

with 5-6 new sky boxes in the process of being built for several events and

oodles of stuff to blog

Love Always,