So this one day I fell off a bunk bed and tore my achilles tendon, then 4 months later I had surgery to get it sewn back together... then 1 week after that when I couldn't get out of bed by myself or walk or drive or anything I joined SL. On June 14, 2008 I met OMGWTFBBQ at some store... I think it was a garden store... that was the day I fell inlove, but unfortunetly she is saving herself for like a guy or something... I mean seriously his name is francois, and he wins even though I totally asked her to marry me first.... but anyway she is amazing. Not only is she my first friend on SL, but she is my best friend on SL. She is an awesome DJ and a totally rad designer... here is her work!

This is one of her four stores it is pretty I <333
here @ Flyod
here @ Fashion Mode
there are 2 other locations you can SL search if you wanna see =) like the one above with the pretty fire fly jar and lanterns.

I thought the first pic I posted should be my favorite Tee and Dress she has. I love poof and bows so obv Barb's Hax dress would automatically get a space in my heart, and if you knew me you'd know I have a big octopus tattoo.... I LOVE THEM!

Here are some more pics of her awesomely cute hound skirts!

and some more pics of her hax dress, faux bois tee, and hound skirt.
and if you wanna keep up with her personally her blog is:
awww yr so cute. thank you for the great post!